Everyday Ways We’re Empowering Children to Make Decisions

Decision making is one of the most important skills children need to develop in order to become healthy, mature adults. The ability to make well-thought-out decisions – rather than acting on impulse or anxiety – is cultivated through practice. The brain develops according to how it’s used, so empowering children to make decisions gives them the tools and experience necessary to think calmly and clearly.

3 Benefits of Empowering Children to Make Decisions


As children make decisions and see how the outcomes benefit themselves and others, it gives them confidence in their ability to make good decisions. This not only reinforces healthy decision making, it also emboldens them to try new things and to persist in learning.

Learning responsibility

Not all decisions have a positive outcome, whether they simply fall short of our expectations or negatively impact another person. These scenarios help children develop other skills, such as problem-solving and conflict resolution, and show them how to learn from previous experiences.


Knowing who you are – your abilities, talents, and limitations – helps make you successful in life. As children make decisions, discovering what they enjoy and what they dislike, it helps them develop their sense of identity and purpose.

How SRV Empowers Children to Make Decisions

At SRV, one of our curricular priorities is to help students build higher-order skills such as decision making. We have built choices into our curriculum so that students can be active participants in their education and learn healthy decision making skills in a safe, structured environment. We empower children to make decisions through:

Friday assemblies – At SRV, assemblies are planned and hosted by the students. It’s part of their responsibilities as community members and it’s always an enriching experience for the hosts and the audience!

Mini Courses – A few times a year, students get to choose from a menu of “electives” called Mini Courses. The subjects of these mixed age (K-6th grade) courses range from teacher’s own interests (such as gardening) to courses based on a school-wide theme (such as our spring theme of Hawaii). Approximately 10 Mini Courses run simultaneously, giving children the opportunity to pursue a subject that interests them.

Choice – All full-day students at SRV have time to play outdoors at least twice a day, where they can choose to engage in active play on the playgrounds, let their imaginations soar among the playhouses, have adventures in the campus woods, or organize games of basketball or four-square. Children are always supervised by adults when outdoors, but they are given plenty of time and space for play. During unstructured indoor choice times, children can pursue personal interests, practice skills, and engage in activities that they enjoy.

If you would like more information on The School in Rose Valley or are interested in applying, please contact Rory Mannion, Director of Admission & Tuition Assistance, at rorym@theschoolinrosevalley.org or 610.566.1088.