Farm to Fork Food & Education Program

The School in Rose Valley’s Farm to Fork Food & Education Program is an ideal model for teaching students what it means to be a part of a sustainable food system. A sustainable food system emphasizes equity among all stakeholders, provides access to local and seasonal produce, incorporates environmentally sustainable growing practices including composting, and promotes lifelong, healthy eating habits.

SRV’s kitchen staff prepares lunches and provides snacks for students that feature vegetables harvested from the School’s 3,000 square foot organic garden and from Lancaster County, PA. SRV’s hens produce approximately 100 eggs per week for use in our School lunch program.

Lunches are typically vegetarian, utilizing plant based protein and organic, grass-fed dairy. Animal based protein is served about twice per week. Chicken and turkey is sourced locally from farms that adhere to strict free-range and sustainable practices. There is always a vegetarian option.

From planting to harvesting to composting, students directly experience all stages of the food cycle. Choosy eaters expand their food horizons throughout the school year during community-style snacks and meals with support from their teachers to “try it, you might like it!” SRV’s youngest students prepare healthy smoothies and snacks with their groups while older students have the opportunity to prepare lunch for the entire school, integrating math, literacy, science, and social studies as they plan and prepare meals.